Thursday, October 19, 2006

Book Suggestion

I went to Scott's Parable yesterday and picked up Philip Yancey's new book called Prayer: Does It Make Any Difference? I have only read the first three chapters but I can say that I am really enjoying the book and would recommend it even though I haven't read through it yet. What I get from it so far is that God just wants the real me (us). Yancey does a great job of helping the reader realize that we are not in control. In light of our lack of control, we are to take some time and reflect on who God is. "Be still and know that I am the Lord." I've done a lot of underlining so far and I can say that I am very excited about the rest of the book. One thing that I thought was interesting was how prayer is mentioned as a social skill, as it relates to our context (praying aloud). Basically saying that sometimes we pay God lip service without being real with him. I hope this makes sense. It's 1:00am and again I cannot sleep.

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